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Getting their attention: The heart behind the badge

Los Angeles County Sheriff's Cmdr. Mike Parker wrote an eye opening letter depicting his 31 years on the job. The letter shares Parker’s love of the job and the hardships a career in law enforcement can bring. Parker says, “I have buried my friends and seen their children grieve, feeling lost and alone, yet surrounded by a sea of uniforms. I have seen the extreme cruelty that one human being can inflict on another and the incredible kindness of everyday people toward the less fortunate.” As stat...

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Enhancing teachers’ response to active threats

When you say the words “first responders” who comes to mind? Police, Fireman, EMT? But what about teachers? It is no longer adequate to place all of the responsibility for our children’s safety in the hands of our teachers during an attack and not take the time to properly train them to accomplish that task. Nor is it acceptable to simply tell them, "Lock your classroom door, turn out the lights, hide in a corner and pray that the attacker doesn’t pick your room." Today, the nation’s law enforce...

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